Kathy's Post

So much has happened it is hard to capture the moments.  Today a group of us went on home visits.  We go to see people that have come to Bethel Ministries seeking help.  As a team we go out with a basket of food that will feed a family for a month and a supply of clothes for members of the families.  We spent time listening to their stories, sharing Jesus love and praying.  The first family we visited was with a father who has been a diabetic for 12 years.  He had been sick for 20 days probably because he has not been able to afford his insulin.  His family is close to eviction.  His wife works fulltime and one of his young daughters had dropped out of school to care for him.  Bethel has been providing food for his family for a year but is no longer able to continue.  They are looking for a sponsor to provide the food.  Sponsors commit to $50 per month. His land lady was there and was actually the one that shared he couldn’t pay for his insulin.  She joined us in prayer and was in tears seeking help for this special family.

This was just one of the stories from families we visited today.  The need is great.  


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